More Info About the Basic Hydraulics Boot Camp

My 2-day, on-site, Basic Hydraulics Boot Camp focuses on 4 areas:

  • • Preventing hydraulic problems
  • • Getting the best possible performance from hydraulic equipment
  • • Getting the longest possible life from hydraulic components
  • • Doing a better and faster job of hydraulic troubleshooting

The boot camp is a "non-technical", classroom style course.

To help your personnel do a better and faster job of hydraulic troubleshooting, we build a clear understanding of how hydraulics work and what hydraulic components do. We spend a lot of time working with hydraulic circuits, using various circuits to present topics like how flow affects speed, how resistance determines pressure, and factors that affect the horsepower required to move a load.

Please be aware this is not a hydraulic design class. Your personnel will not learn things like how to calculate a hydraulic pump's displacement, how to determine the hose size needed for laminar flow, or how to calculate the BTU's per hour of heat using pressure reducing valves will add to a circuit.

But by the end of the boot camp your personnel will be able to read and understand hydraulic schematics like this one from my home page:

Basic Hydraulic Training Bootcamp Schematic

By "read and understand," I mean your personnel will know what all the components in this circuit do, understand how the circuit functions, and be able to determine what happens to the circuit if one of the components isn't operating correctly.

Boot Camp Pricing

I don't know what an hour of downtime costs your company, or what it costs your company to replace a failed hydraulic pump or other hydraulic component. But if your company is like most, preventing just one hydraulic failure, or being able to troubleshoot just one hydraulic problem, will save your company many times the cost of my boot camp.

For 1 to 5 participants, the total instructional charge for the 2-day basic hydraulics boot camp is $1,500 per day, plus my travel and lodging expenses. There are no travel or lodging charges if you are within a one-hour drive of Brookfield, Illinois, and no lodging charges if you are within a one-hour drive of Dublin, Ohio.

Maximum class size is 12 participants. If you have more than 5 participants, the base instructional charge of $1,500 per day covers the first 5 people, with a charge of $200 per day for each additional attendee. There are no travel or lodging charges if you are within a one-hour drive of Brookfield, Illinois and no lodging charges if you are within a one-hour drive of Dublin, Ohio.

I can integrate one or two of your hydraulic schematics into the boot camp for an additional charge. I need to review your schematic(s) to determine the exact charge, but it is typically around $200 to $250 per schematic.

A 50% deposit is needed to book the boot camp, with the balance due at completion of the class.

Schedule Training or Request a Quote

I would very much like to provide your basic hydraulic training. If you're ready to schedule a Basic Hydraulics Boot Camp at your facility, would like a quote, or would like more information than what's here on my website, please send me, Rob Fish, an email at or give me a call at (614)214-7261.